Ubi's Tail

Our fostering began on September 12, 2005. We had been active with Cleveland Ohio Dog Advocates (CODA) since we adopted our family dog through them the previous year. This is the Tail of our foster pets.

Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

**All of our foster animals have been ADOPTED!!** We are waiting for a bit before taking the foster dog/cat. This is the TAIL of our foster animals through Cleveland Ohio Dog Advocates. Our family pets include cats: Herman, Spackle, Bear and our dog Annie. Now that you have the players set, let's get on with the show!!!

Monday, September 26, 2005


Sometimes when I think Ubi is too grown up for puppy-dom, he surprises me. Today, he looked like a kitten running through the house pouncing on rawhides. We've been leaving rawhide chips all over the place because it is the most argued-over toy. While Ubi makes them mushy and squishy, Annie eats them like a treat. She just chows through them.
He gets scared in thunder and lightning (imagine the hurricane he lived through). I had to shove him out into the mist this morning. He did NOT want to get wet. Annie even looked at me like I was someone totally insane for opening the door for them. I even tried to tempt them with treats! They weren't going to have it. (they sat by the door. Ubi laid down in his 'ain't gonna happen stance'.) Eventually, after breakfast they did go out. Ubi had to poop. He knows better than to go in the house! : ) GOOD BOY!!! Annie helped in that, I think- if she goes out, he will too.
Ubi goes for his next mange treatment at the vet's on Thursday. : ( Poor baby! He is not losing hair so much anymore. He was balding constantly for a while.


Blogger Kelly said...

Ubi really had a good time with the 3 girls together! I hope he gets to have children in his life when he finds his forever home! He adores kids (and their crumbs!)

11:53 PM  

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